Sofia 1517, 108 Besarabia street
Sampling, proper sample packaging and transportation to the testing laboratory
These are the main factors for the representativeness and authenticity of the obtained results. With is quality control policy, “Eurotest-Control” EAD guarantees its clients the compliance with all respective standards and norms.
For its clients, the company offers development and execution of programmes for ecological and quality monitoring, as well as execution of programmes, submitted by the client, for all products, included in the scope of our accreditation.
The Testing Laboratory Directorate (TLD) is accredited by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service to perform sampling on the following products:
- Waters (drinking, groundwaters, surface, waste);
- Soils;
- Ores, concentrates, agglomerates (copper, iron, zinc, manganese);
- Petroleum and petroleum products;
- Natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbons;
- Solid fuels;
- Waste – tailings and technological waste;
- Sludge and sediments;
- Construction materials and aggregates (concrete mixtures, solutions, aggregates-unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures);
- Solid chemical products from powders to large pieces;
- Rocks and minerals (rock materials);
- Cement.

The laboratory features its own transportation and equipment, necessary for the sampling of the products mentioned above, as well as qualified personnel, which has undergone extensive training in accordance with the requirements of the Accreditation Body.